Idonia Creation Teasing the voyage ahead

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Creation is the first book in the Idonia series that lays out the world of Idonia and sets the stage for a grand adventure of our society’s interaction with beings from a dimension beyond our own. Our story begins in modern-day America with Ally, Rachel, and Erin, three friends who have moved from their rural childhood home to the city taking their final steps into adulthood. In doing so they meet a family that will change their lives forever, the Brownings. Part One of the book follows the girls on the journey of getting to know Joshua and Win, the two youngest brothers, and the rest of their family and friends, which proves to be more challenging than they could have imagined. The family not only holds obscure, bombastic beliefs, they also are clearly hiding a number of secrets. What’s more, their beliefs may just prove true. The friends begin having visions of a world beyond that of their own and are visited by two figures trying to communicate with them from beyond the veil. When it becomes apparent that a series of local murders are in some way connected to the Brownings, the friends must choose between learning more about this interesting family and the world in which they believe or the safety and security of the lives they’ve always known.

A sprawling urban science fantasy currently set to be at least six books, Idonia explores the challenges we face when we venture out in the world to forge our own path and become the adults we want to be. We will all meet people who think and believe differently than we do, and we must decide how we will approach those situations. The story of these friends’ journey is set against the backdrop of an even larger story of a society both ancient and eternal, that serves as an example of the next step in human progression and poses the question of what new struggles humanity will face when they begin to wander out into the galaxy. From strong character driven individual stories of self-discovery, familial ties, betrayal, and finding your purpose to larger intertwining tales of romance and mystery set within a war between four ancient orders that has been raging for eons with the fate of our world in the balance, The Idonia Saga will redefine the world as we know it.

Book Preview: Peer beyond the veil…



To say Ally was anxious about moving away from home and starting her adult life would have been an understatement. That’s how her life had always gone though. She was always too shy, too tall, too awkward, too quiet, too much of a tomboy. At least that’s how everyone had always reacted to her, and that’s how she eventually viewed herself. Starting fresh in a new city with the few friends who didn’t constantly ask her why she wasn’t smiling wouldn’t change all that in her mind. Ally didn’t know what she was hoping to find in her new life. There were things she wanted to do, places she wanted to go, and experiences she wanted to have. For Ally though they were all abstract concepts within her thinking. She really just wanted to feel more at home being herself and to better understand who that herself really was. All of which she might just find with the help of a few new friends and maybe a little more.


Most would describe Rachel as smart and beautiful, but there’s a certain combination of the two where appealing becomes intimidating where she grew up. Rachel was the latter. Always one of the top students in the class, always one of the prettiest girls in the room, but seldom approached. Her two girlfriends weren’t affected by it. A few guys attempted to be something more. Some were fun for a bit, but only one of them actually got close to her. He was now her other best friend alongside her girlfriends. While part of her was sad that’s all that became of them, the other part was thrilled with their friendship. To love and be loved in return by a small group of friends was one of the best things in the world. Rachel still wanted something more though. Her studies had always come naturally, her friends were her greatest treasure, but there was something missing. She wanted a challenge, longed for a purpose, and she might be about to find it.


Everyone knew Erin was tough. Nobody would ever question that. Not the fighting in the school hallway kind of tough either. No, the kind of tough that no one ever would ever try to fight her in the hallways. With a firecracker tongue and a mind as quick as a whip backing it up she certainly left everyone with an opinion about her. Now that she was leaving behind the towns in which she grew up though it meant facing who she was beyond those opinions, and more importantly who she wanted to be in conjunction with or despite said opinions. She was ambitious, driven, and passionate about becoming someone great, but she wasn’t quite sure yet who that person was. Her quest to find said person within herself will also have to face a harsh truth. She might just be in love with someone who may not reciprocate said feelings, but even if they did that love may not be enough for what was to come.

The Brownings

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Thad & The Cousins

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World Lore


The realm of Idonia was fractured in the Sundering sending shock waves through out space and time causing dimensional rifts and splitting entire universes apart creating new life throughout parallel worlds. Linked together by the eternal tree Leghtus and its children, the capitol cities of Idonia were able to reform into their own interconnected planet system across the dimensional rifts now known as the Idonic system. This system is home to ancient civilizations with species that border on eternal possessing technology and powers that are near limitless. The leaders of the Idonic system serve as explorers and stewards of the multiple worlds created during the Sundering, seeking out sentient life as it evolves and working to nurture it from the shadows until the species is able to reach out to the Void. This key moment of the evolutionary process where a species is able to reach beyond their known reality and find life more advanced than their own is an event known as The Rising. Our world is but one of those created billions of years ago when Idonia was shattered, and our Rising is close at hand.

“Peering beyond the veil of one’s own reality is not a singular moment but rather a series of events that slowly peels back the layers separating the two worlds.”

On the Nature of Reality Version XI, Section III ~ Lorekeeper Loscelto

The Raven

“Many will see The Raven, few will see beyond.”

The Shadow Papers ~ Anonymous

The figure referred to as The Raven is neither bird nor man though it appears as both. It is instead an astral projection of a creature all but lost to this world. The Raven appears to those who are being called across time and space from beyond the Void. An ominous figure if ever there was, it is only natural for fear to grip those he visits. Be it lucid dreams or mid-day hallucinations when he appears it matters not. The message is as clear as he states it. Death is nigh.

The Raven Man ~ Unknown

The Wanderer

“Scarce are those that come to us from the worlds beyond. Scarcer still are those that find The Wanderer.” 

First-Year Scholar’s Guide ~ Grandmaster Az’iel

Little is known of the being known as The Wanderer. It is said that he is somehow akin to the creature known as The Raven given that he appears in similar fashion, but this is clearly incorrect or at best not an accurate enough assessment as The Wanderer only appears to certain individuals directly linked to The Four Orders and only at a specific time.

Excerpt from Loremaster Papers of Grandmaster Az’iel

War of the Four Orders

For many in Idonia the War of the Four Orders has faded to all but myth. The last battle was fought eons ago. Samias was still in exile leaving the Nalun in the charge of Locief. Milas had long finished his punishment as handed out by Theus, but the Cupernis still held the Edict of Tyl as law keeping the Four Orders at a ceasefire. Generations had come and passed, new cities arisen throughout the Idonic system, countless lives began and ended all under a temporary peace, and for many of the younger races this new way seemed permanent. To the ancient ones though this has been but a calm autumn evening before the frost. The winds of war were blowing yet again. Tyl would not be the last city laid to waste, Inverna would not be the last world shattered, and the fate of the outer realms would finally be decided. Samias would return heralding the final march, and the War of the Four Orders would begin again.

The Four Orders


The Nalun have existed long before the Four Orders were formed being the original force from which the Ana’si and Vigil spawned as members defected from the Nalun’s philosophy. It was not until this time that the name Nalun was formed by the remaining leaders as they sought to define themselves amidst the growing schism. Milas, Locief, Samias, and Lithia  led the Nalun in the beginning as they sought to bring each iteration of humanity into the next phase of their evolution. 


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